Sunday, October 18, 2009


My sister and I took the kids to see some pumpkins this weekend. We wanted to take them to a "pumpkin patch," but our schedules didn't end up working out since our kids decided to get sick on the planned day. Oh well, I don't think the kids minded too much...
Ryan and Allan were on a mission... check out every pumpkin and try and pick it up.

Aimee and I tried and tried to get the kids to pose...
...but they kept running off to grab a pumpkin.

This has to be my most favorite picture of the day!

Aimee and I tried, once again, to get Allan to stay still and take a picture with me. All I wanted was just one!!
Do 2 year olds not like to listen and sit still when told?

Here we go again...
...trying to get a cute picture of the cousins...
Note: A 4, 2 and 1 year old do not pose together very well

Allan's had enough.

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I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.