Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

I had to carve the pumpkin for Allan this year, since Kirk sliced off part of his finger last week. (Chopping up veggies and he took some of his finger tip with the veggies. Ouch!)
With that being said, Kirk's knives are not good at carving a pumpkin. Next year I will buy one of those carving sets. The mouth got a little messed up, but I don't think Allan seemed to mind. He had no interest in touching the insides of the pumpkins, but he was very concerned that I was "coloring" the pumpkin. Once I was all finished and put a candle in the pumpkin and took it to Allan, he was ready to set out the "fire." First thing he did was tell me the pumpkin was on fire and then started blowing (and spitting at the same time)on it to get the candle out.

I believe here he is trying to mimic the pumpkin's face.


Since Kirk and I figured this would be the last Halloween that we got to pick Allan's costume we decided to go with Stewie Griffin, from one of our favorite (adult) cartoons, Family Guy. The reason...the bald head that both babies sport...

Meet Stewie Griffin.

Now meet our Stewie Griffin.

Allan was definitely into the whole trick-or-treating thing. He walked right up to the door, said "trick-treat," then would say "dink-u" (thank you) and turn around to walk away and say "bye-bye" at the same time. He did this at every house. Talk about some manners!
The first house we went to Allan got a Dum-Dum sucker. That sucker did not leave his hand the entire time we were trick-or-treating. And if you asked him about his candy, he'd say "no. trick-treat." That's what it was called, not candy or the name of the specific candy, and he made sure to tell us that.

Allan still wants to go trick-or-treating. That whole once a year is not an easy thing to understand.

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I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.