Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fire Fest 2009

Saturday the fire department had a "FireFest" not even a mile from the house. I've been pointing out fire trucks when we're in the car to Allan and he gets really excited. So when Kirk and I heard about this we knew we had to take him. When we drove up to the fire station and were trying to find a place to park, Allan got so excited. He was squealing at the top of his lungs with excitement. Every other word was "fire truck!!!" Kirk and I were cracking up at how he was freaking out.
He was giving a fire man's hat to take home. He thought that was the coolest thing ever. It's plastic and not very he finally tore the thing in half. I think I might have to find a fire man's hat in the Halloween costumes that's not plastic to buy for Allan. He loves that thing.
There was a line of kids waiting to have their picture taken with a real fireman. I kept telling Kirk, "come on, let's get Allan's picture taken" and he Kept telling me he'd rather Allan have his picture with Chuck, a long time friend of Kirk's who was supposed to be there. Then we realized as we got closer that Chuck was the one taking pictures with the kids. How perfect!
At first Allan wasn't too sure about getting up there, but once Daddy put him up there and walked away, he thought he was pretty cool standing with a real fireman.

Meet Aid'N a search and rescue dog. Aid'N rescues humans in any disasters anywhere. Aid'N can smell out the human scent and once finds that scent he stays put and barks until his trainer comes. Aid'N was a very sweet and calm doggie.
While all the other kids were petting Aid'N in the face area, our kid was more fascinated with his tail. I guess being around Boxers all the time, who have nubs, makes him more interested in long tails...
(That I did not get a picture of.)

Small kid next to that big fire truck.

Allan got to climb in one of the fire trucks. At first he was a little nervous about it, but once Daddy stuck him in there and told him to check it out he thought he was sooooo cool. He had this grin from ear to ear. It was really cute. The firemen standing outside the door were cracking up at Allan's reaction. It definitely took some convincing to get him out of there so other kids could get their turn.

I really wished we could have found a fire truck that said Engine 2. That would have been perfect since his second birthday is right around the corner.

They did a demonstration of what they would have to do to a car in the worst case scenario in order to get the people out of the car. Kirk and I were more interested in that, but we didn't get to watch the entire thing because Allan got bord with it. It was really cool watching them use the jaws of life and break out windows.
There were other things that we wanted to see, but didn't get a chance.
They set a car completely on fire and the put it out. Life Flight was supposed to come and the kids could check that out. And then they were going to show a demonstration of the search dogs doing a search and rescue, but we had to leave before those things because we had somewhere else to be. Looks like we will definitely be going back to FireFest 2010.

1 comment:

  1. He's the CUTEST little fireman I've EVER SEEN!! Checking out that dog in too funny!!


Why This Blog Is Here

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I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.