Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A New Addition

This week I start watching another little one. This time, it's a girl and she's almost 10 months. Meet Meaghan. She's already crawling, but has no teeth, so she's still being fed mostly baby foods. It's crazy how fast I had forgotten how it was to have a baby with no teeth. And Meaghan wants to eat whatever it is we're eating. Teeth or no teeth, she's willing to give it a try.

So far she seems to be fitting in really well. She plays mostly by herself or likes to be near me (usually crawling all over me). Jayden could careless that there's a new kid in the group. He still does his own thing. Now as for Allan, he's a different story. I've never seen Allan get jealous over me before...until Meaghan came into the picture. He doesn't want her sitting in my lap. He doesn't want her crawling all over me and holding on to me while she stands. If he catches her doing anything like that, then he'll come over and either whine at me or he'll try and do to me exactly what she's doing at the time. He even tries to talk her "baby talk." He'll copy some of the things she does. He even gets on the floor and crawls. He's a mess.

But on a really cute side, Meaghan was sitting on the floor with me this morning and Allan came up to us and sat down facing Meaghan with one of his balls in hand. He then tried to play "ball'' with her. He'd roll the ball to her lap and say something in his own language. I'm thinking he was asking her why she wouldn’t roll the ball back to him. It didn't last very long, but it sure was cute. He's also tried to hug her a few times this morning. Very, very cute.

Once I got the camera out, he was screaming "CHEEEEESEEEEE!!!"
(never mind the droll covered shirt and the runny nose.)

I'm loving this "cheese" faze. It makes for great smiles.

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I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.