Saturday, February 14, 2009

Off Roading...

...In the house
A while back Allan got his cousin, Ryan's old 4-wheeler. Allan loves to *ride* his 4-wheeler all around downstairs. The thing is, he doesn't quite understand the whole steering part. Because of that one of us has to follow him around since he tends to drive it into walls and furniture and then get mad that he's not going anywhere. You push a button to make it go. For a while he would pump the button, but now he's figured out that if he holds his finger on it then he goes faster.

Max was interested. He wouldn't get out of the way.

After a good 30 minutes on the 4-wheeler Allan decided he'd had enough and thought it was just easier to get off and push it where he wanted it to go.

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I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.