Sunday, February 22, 2009

Climbing on the Couch

Allan has learned to climb on the couch all by himself. He thinks he's really cool when he makes it up there too. Saturday he turned 16 months. My little baby is growing way too fast already. Where in the world has the time gone?
I taught Allan to "ride the horsey" a while back. Any time we are sitting on the couch, he'll come up to us and straddle our leg. He laughs and laughs when he "rides the horsey."
Kirk's leg is pretty much back to normal and Allan is taking full advantage of it.
Some times he just sits on the couch and vegges out to whatever is on TV.
And then there are the times when he gets mad about something...

The Shirt Says it All

"My grandparents don't spoil me, they're just very accommodating."
The shirt couldn't be closer to the truth.
He's very fascinated with the dishwasher.

Never a moment without the sippy cup.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

On the Bean Bag

Allan likes to be tossed onto his bean bag. Usually he cracks up when he gets thrown on it. Not this time though. It had the perfect grooves in it that made him unable to get out on his own. Yup, he was stuck in the bean bag and not happy about it...especially when I didn't get him out right away and instead ran to grab my camera. Poor Allan.

All Wrapped Up

Fresh and clean and into Daddy's arms he goes!

Bye-Bye Binkie

I was inspired.
Jayden's parents took his *binkie* away from him this week. He had his 24/7. Allan only had his when he slept. I thought I was going to try and take it away from him by his second birthday, but then I thought, "what the heck, lets try it now!" So we are on day 2 of not having the binkie and not mentioning it. He's cried a few times, but it only lasts about 30 seconds. So far so good!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

3 Years and Counting

Today is my 3rd year wedding anniversary with Kirk. It’s so hard for the both of us to believe that we’ve been together for a total of 5 years already. So much has happened in our lives since we met. We added another dog to our mix, remodeled a house, got engaged, traveled places, got married, sold that house, bought a brand new house, got pregnant, had a beautiful baby boy, bought a car and who knows what else is to come. So this post is for you Kirk. Thank you for marrying me. Thank you for being a wonderful husband to me and a wonderful father to Allan. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you. I love you!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

I think he was tired of me taking pictures.

Thanks G.G.

Allan's G.G. (Kirk's mom) bought Allan a wonderful Valentine's monkey. The great thing about this stuffed animal is that you can press a button and it makes this loud obnoxious monkey noise. It didn't take Allan long to figure out where he needed to push to make the sound. There's no off button on this sweet Valentine's gift. No volume control either. Just monkey noise. But Allan loves it. He walks around the game room with it pushing that button. Then he'll throw it at me so I can push the button for him.
Thanks G.G. we LOVE the new monkey toy!

When I showed him he could Velcro it around his neck he thought that was the coolest thing. He'd take off running with it wrapped around his neck.

He's my little monkey.

Off Roading...

...In the house
A while back Allan got his cousin, Ryan's old 4-wheeler. Allan loves to *ride* his 4-wheeler all around downstairs. The thing is, he doesn't quite understand the whole steering part. Because of that one of us has to follow him around since he tends to drive it into walls and furniture and then get mad that he's not going anywhere. You push a button to make it go. For a while he would pump the button, but now he's figured out that if he holds his finger on it then he goes faster.

Max was interested. He wouldn't get out of the way.

After a good 30 minutes on the 4-wheeler Allan decided he'd had enough and thought it was just easier to get off and push it where he wanted it to go.


So I found this show for the kids on TV called LazyTown. It's really weird. There are like three people on the show; a little girl and two adults. The rest of the cast is like clay puppets. There's of course the bad guy and the super hero who the town loves. It's a strange and cheesy show, but Allan and Eric (Jayden's been out of town since I found the show) love it. I turn it on and they stop where they are and just stare at the TV. The second I change the channel they go on doing whatever it was they were doing with their toys. When I put it back on, there they stare again. I don 't know what it is about this strange show, but the kids are hooked.

Finally they got up and started playing with some toys, but once LazyTown came back on they stopped what they were doing to watch...

Eric was in such a good mood that day. Full of giggles.

These kids and their sippy cups. They *have* to have them around at all times and full and ready to go. I try not to give Allan much juice and he still doesn't like regular milk. But put just a little bit of chocolate in it and he's in heaven. Warm it up just a little bit and he'll chug the entire cup in under five minutes. He's a chocolate milk fiend.

Why This Blog Is Here

My photo
I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.