Friday, January 23, 2009

3 Amigos

This past weekend Allan and I got together with some friends that I used to work with. Tiffany, Micah and I all got pregnant around the same time, so it was a good chance to get the boys together to play, since they don't live in Houston anymore. We went to lunch and then came back to my house to let the boys go wild in the game room. They all had a good time together and we girls enjoyed seeing each other.
All the kids seem to love the drums.

Here's Melinda showing them how it works.
Always the way to a kid's heart is with food.
There's Tanya, being a kid too.
Landon and Cale being good boys at the restaurant.
(Right before Landon decided to make his mommy chase him around the table over and over again.)
Micah trying to hold 2 boys at one time. Not an easy task.
One at a time is much easier.
Cale and Tanya
Cale and Tiff.
What is it about pushing buttons on the TV?
Meet Cale. This is Micah's little man. He's the oldest out of the bunch (only by 2 weeks). He'll be 2 in June.

Meet Landon. This is Tiffany's little man. He turns 2 just two weeks after Cale.
Landon & Tiffany. Me & Allan. Micah & Cale.
(Melinda and Tanya left before we remembered to get a group picture. Guess we'll just have to get together again sooner!)

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I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.