Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fostering 101

I'm fostering 2 Jack Russell pups.
They're a handful with 2 toddlers during the day and my 3 dogs.

But aren't they oh so cute??
Surely it won't take long for them to get adopted into their forever loving homes.
(Once they're healthy and old enough)

Meet Alister.
He already has a home waiting for New Mexico.
Talk about having one of the best personalities a dog could ever have.
He's so sweet and he loves to cuddle.
(He's Kirk's favorite)
Meet Dotty May.  Or as Allan argues with me, Dotty Sue.
Don't ask me where he got Dotty Sue from, but that's her name if you ask him.
I personally think Dotty May sounds better.  But I guess I should pass on arguing names with an almost 3 year old.  It's useless.
Dotty reminds me of my first Jack Russell pup.  She's feisty and she wants to run the roost.
But she sure is cute when it's night time and she wants to snuggle up to you.

Dotty is still waiting for her home once she's healthy and a bit older.  Don't you want to adopt her...or know of someone who needs to bring her into their home???
Allan is enjoying these puppies.  He loves for them to get tired so that they can sleep in his lap while he watches tv.

Our Boxer, Caine, is a bottomless pit.  If we would let the dog eat all day, he would.  He's always hungry.  If it's barely past his dinner time and he hasn't been fed, he thinks he's gonna die of starvation at any moment.  Seriously.  This dog has eaten inhaled his food so fast that he starts choking and we have to come by and bang on him so he'll couch up his food.  This happens often.

The puppies eat 2-3 times a day.  And guess what?  Caine is so jealous.

He watches closely as they take their every bite.  Wishing he could be eating too.
Talk about giving you a sad face for not letting him partake in the puppy food.
He's happiest when he's eating.  Until then he'll just watch the puppies and imagine it was him that was getting to eat so many meals a day.

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I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.