Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Houston Zoo

Kirk and I took Allan to the zoo one Friday morning.  I have to say that it may be our last zoo visit until it cools down.  It was so hot.  All three of us felt like we were going to melt into a puddle of sweat at any given second.
The animals were way smarter than us.  They knew it was too hot to hang around outside, so they stayed hidden.  Most of what we wanted to show Allan (lions and tigers and bears...oh my) he didn't get to see.  We'll go back, when it's cooler, but not too cold and they start hibernating.
But we did spend a good amount of time in the reptile center.  There was a/c.  It was cool and shaded.
Unfortunately for me, Allan liked all the snakes.  Just looking at those things make my skin crawl!
Notice that one in the window?  He was HUGE!  It gave me the chills and made my skin itch just looking at him.  (Still does just looking at the picture again)
Allan was impressed with the gigantic snake.  Can you tell?
This little guy here had a long conversation with Allan.  Don't ask me about what, but Allan stood there for a while talking to him.  I couldn't make out what all he was telling him.  I do remember Allan asking the lizard how he was doing.
It must have been something funny.  Allan was laughing at him and that thing was keeping a close eye on Allan.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Park Time...Again!!

Allan always enjoys time at (any) matter how hot it may be outside.
It was like having two kids at the park this day.
I don't know who was more excited to play...Kirk or Allan...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Feed The Ducks

We took Allan to a near by pond that was loaded with ducks.
I hate to admit it, but I think this was the first time we took Allan to feed ducks.

It only took a second to show him how to do it, and he was on a roll feeding all the ducks.
Allan liked throwing the bread as far as he could and watching the ducks run to get it.
These were some brave ducks.  They were not scared of people one bit. 

This guy was making me nervous.  He was getting way too close to Allan and trying to take the bread straight from his fingers.
Allan wasn't nervous, of course.

Can you tell he was excited to get close to the water while the ducks were swimming?
We found this momma duck laying on a bunch of eggs.  Since she didn't want to leave her eggs for some bread, Allan brought some bread to her.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

Allan Has A Girlfriend...

....Don't tell her Daddy...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pool Time!

Mimi & Papa got a new pool...
...and I think Allan enjoyed it.

My little man is definitely a little man.  He's almost 36 months old and those swim trunks are size 18 months.  You forget how well a diaper can hold some pants up.  Poor kid.  I should have just let him swim naked.
He didn't seem to mind.
We're having our own swim lessons.

Why This Blog Is Here

My photo
I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.