Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kings Of Leon

is Allan's favorite band. He freaks out anytime we play any of their songs. If he's not in the car, then he starts dancing like a mad man. I checked their website, and of course, they sell no shirts in children’s size.

So what's a cool mom to do?

I made him his own personalized Kings Of Leon t-shirt.

And Allan is definitely proud of his cool concert shirt.


(KOL comes to town at the end of the summer to Pavilion. Kirk and I are thinking about taking him. We think he'd get a kick out of a live concert.)

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I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.