Friday, May 14, 2010

How could I have forgotten to blog about this HUGE milestone!?!?!
When we went away to Austin back in March, I had just started to potty train Allan 5 days before. (03/22/10) I read a ton of really good reviews about someone's potty training book and I decided to buy her book and give it a shot. Her book says that she guarantee’s to have your child potty trained in 3-7 days. For $17, I thought, what the heck. Let me tell you, best 17 bucks I've ever spent! Basically when you (mainly the kid) get to a certain point, you get rid of diapers, except when sleeping. Big kid undies come on and you basically have to stay home for a few days in a row with the little one. You set your timer to take them to the potty every 20 minutes, whether they go or not. I did this with Allan the week before we went to Austin. He had a total of 3 accidents the entire week. One of those not being a peepee accident. YUCK!!!! And then it seemed like he just "got it." He got it so quick that I definitely thought it was too good to be true. Or at the very least that the trip all the way to Austin would set him back some.

Did it?  Nope!  He didn't even have any accidents on the drive to and from.  He wore big boy undies the entire time!  And he's been potty trained ever sense.  He's done great!  He rarely goes while he's sleeping, but we're stil doing the "nite nite undies" in case of any accidents.  (Better than messy sheets and mattress, right?)
So here he is, tiny hinny and all! I think he looks so cute in his "big boy undies."

(and mommy is definitely NOT missing diapers for several reason!)
I still can't believe how easy it was to potty train him. I've heard/read that it's supposed to be a very stressful time and even more so with boys. Maybe that book really does work. Maybe I'm just that good at potty training kids. Or maybe it's just that our kid is just a genius.

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I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.