Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Livestock Show & Rodeo

Allan and his little buddy, Maegan, took a "field trip" today to see all the animals at the rodeo. To say they had a good time would be putting it mildly.
The little chicks hatching were a big, exciting hit for the two.

This tiny little guy had only been out of his shell and into this crazy world for a whole 45 minutes. Talk about fresh.
Allan thought he was so cute.

This little piglet was only 48 hours old. Meagan's mom and I were told the story about what is done to these piglets once they are born. Let's just say it seems pretty painful for the babies...but if not done that super painful for the mommies....
They are kept separated from the mom, but can still feed. Otherwise the mom can crush them.

We also got to see a calf that was literately just born. No pictures were taken though. There was still a lot of nasty-ness hanging from the mom and still coming out. Not really something for the photo books. But still, we did stop and stare for a while...

As for the petting zoo, Allan was in heaven. My child has no fear of new animals.

He wanted to kiss any of the animals that would get close to him.
Maegan thought they were pretty neat too.

Because children 3 and under are not to feed the animals, Allan fed them what he could on his own...anything he found on the ground (with the watching to make sure he didn't pick up any "pellets").

If you weren't watching out, this guy would come nudge you. I guess looking for some food handouts.
Babies goats.
Allan "feeding" the animals.

The tran ride (or train, as Allan called it) to the car definitely showed me a worn out kid.

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I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.