Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Texas Pride

This weekend Allan got to take his first visit to a tattoo parlor. We decided to stop in and ask some questions, but we ended up walking out with a new tattoo on Daddy. Kirk had been wanting to get a Texas pride tattoo...and he finally did. It's on the side of his ribcage and is said to be one of the most painful spots you can get a tattoo. Kirk agrees. Allan hung out the entire time with us. He watched Kirk get inked and he flirted with the girls that were there. There was even a 5 month old blue eyed and bald baby boy there. Him and Allan had fun staring at each other. Allan enjoyed his first tattoo parlor visit!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Make My Day

So the other day I went to Specs with Allan. There was only one person working the register so there was a long line with a bunch of people. This younger looking girl was behind Allan and me. Allan, like normal, was flirting with her and telling her all about his day and pointing to things and telling her about whatever it was he was pointing to. She was laughing at him and talking back to him and tickling him. This is the norm for us when we go places. So then the girl starts to tell me that she has had probably one of the worst day of her life today. She tells me that it's been an awful day and she's been crying like crazy all day. That's when I notice her eyes are so red from crying and I see tears start to swell up in her eyes as she's telling me this. She goes on to tell me that seeing my son and having him react to her the way he just did has made everything better. She tells me I have no idea how much he just helped her. I, of course, tell her that I'm glad he could make her feel better and put a smile on her face. I then jokingly, to lighten the mood, tell her that the bottle of Jack Daniels in her hand will help her day out too. And she goes, yeah, but not nearly as well as your son has.

I just thought that was the best compliment a mother could get. It gave me chills when she was telling me that. I don't know what happened to make her day so crappy, but I'm glad knowing that Allan could help make her feel better. He brightens my day every day and if he could brighten a stranger’s day, then that is awesome.

Houston Rodeo/ZZ Top '09

Last night we went to the Rodeo to see ZZ Top. It was Allan's first rodeo and he loved it! My parents got us tickets to sit in the suites up top. Free food and booze. It was definitely nice going to the rodeo and not having to pay $7 for a drink. A girl could get used to that. There was all kinds of yummy foods. Papa even fed Allan a bowl of ice cream. Allan thought it was really cool to watch all the bull riding. He also thought he was a pretty big boy getting to walk back and forth on our isle (no one else was sitting next to us). Once ZZ Top was about to start and they set off the fireworks, Allan wasn't too sure about that. I think he wanted to look at the colors, but the loud noise freaked him out a little bit. When ZZ Top started playing he sat in his Mimi's lap and didn't move. He kept his eyes on the show the entire time. There is definitely music in that kid's bones. He loves watching live music on TV and he loves to dance to music. We knew he'd enjoy his first concert! Although I do have to say that my heart breaks a little when Allan is around my parents. He wants nothing to do with me. And I mean nothing! It's like I'm chopped liver. Thanks Allan.
Allan and Papa had a good time.

Allan's telling Papa all about the bull riding.
My mom gave Allan an entire can of Coke. He wanted nothing to do with his chocolate milk after one taste of that stuff. He'd walk around, watch the show, play with Papa and then take a Coke break with Mimi. And she was right there with the Coke in her hand waiting and ready. Thanks Mimi.

Allan's best friend.

The concert has started and this is the way Allan looked the entire time.

Playing with Daddy

Allan loves getting kisses from his daddy. It cracks him up.

Who's holding who?
A picture for those who keep asking where's my son's hair...
Surely but slowly it's growing!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Children's Museum

We met up with my sister's family and took the kids to the Children's Museum. The second I took Allan out of his stroller and his feet hit the ground he freaked out. (In a good way.) He let out this loud screeching noise and then just took off running. He was so excited he couldn't stand still long enough at the same toy area. He was bouncing off the walls with excitement. I wish I would have recorded his reaction. It was priceless.
He had a blast with the Legos.

This contraption kept him busy for a while.

Roses Are Red...

I don't need it to be Valentine's Day to get flowers from my husband. He brings me roses all the time for no reason!
I'm a lucky girl.

First Overnight Visit

Allan had his first overnight visit with his Mimi and Papa during Cook-Off weekend (February 21st). He had a blast hanging out with his grandparents and his cousins, Ryan and Ashtyn. They said he was a prefect boy, until night time came. He didn't like his pack-n-play and he made sure to make that known. Eventually my parents put him in bed with them and there he slept.

He apparently had so much fun that when I met my parents to pick him up he didn't want to come to me. After we had lunch and they walked us to the car, Mimi tried to hand Allan over to me and he didn't want me. He kicked and screamed the whole time I tried to put him in his car seat. Talk about breaking a momma's heart.

Asleep in Mimi and Papa's bed.

Asleep in Papa's truck on the way to come back to his momma!

Why This Blog Is Here

My photo
I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.