Saturday, November 29, 2008

Playing With The Dogs

Allan is just now taking an interest in the dogs. Unfortunately, he loves Sparky the most, but since Sparky is blind, we have to keep them away from each other. Allan tends to scare Sparky.
When we are in the kitchen, Allan gets very interested in the Boxers. They are just now paying attention to him. They are more interested in whatever food he is holding, of course.

Here we finally got a good picture of Allan "loving" on the Boxers.
(Note: Max gets too excited at the end and wants to play with Kirk. Just to let you know, no animals or children were hurt during the making of this film. Allan's head never touches the tile, and he never gets hurt)

Happy Turkey Day!

Allan had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! He got to see his G.G. and Pops on Thanksgiving Day and then he got to see his Papa and Mimi the day after Thanksgiving. He had a great time! He could have cared less about the food, but give him a bite of pie, and you had a friend for life! That's my son, he loves the sweet stuff!

Here's Allan in his "classical - please pick me up face."Happy Thanksgiving to you all! The Hamilton’s wish you the happiest Thanksgiving ever!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Worn Out

I was sitting at the computer checking some email. I realized that Allan had gotten really quiet. I looked down to my right and this is what I saw...
I must have worn the poor kid out. He never falls asleep on his back.
(And please pay no attention to Kirk's Crown Royal bag. I've already gotten some comments about that. Oops!)

Empty Box

I got some things in the mail the other day and gave Allan the box to play with while he's in the kitchen. It's his new favorite downstairs toy. He throws it at the dogs, pushes it all over the place, and now sits on it, thanks to Papa. My dad stopped by Friday morning and got to see Allan in action with the box. Dad taught him to turn the box over and sit on it. He thought that was the neatest thing ever. Now when he sees the box he has to sit on it. Then he'll get up and sit back down right away. Unfortunately, in the video he was in a fussy mood. He sits on the box, but you get to see him come whining to me and want to be picked up. Oops, just a rare glimpse of Allan.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I love this kid...

...More and more every day.

Puppy Love

Friday, November 14, 2008

Another "Big Boy" Moment

Allan has finally upgraded from the infant bucket car seat/carrier to his big boy seat that now faces forward. I can't believe how fast things are happening. Just the other day he was belly crawling and now he's running!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Big Boy

You put a hat on my son and take away the onesies and he looks way too much like a big boy and not a baby anymore. It makes me sad!

Allan and I have this new game we play that cracks him up. I tell him "I'm gonna get you" and stomp my feet and "chase" after him and he runs as fast as he can. He thinks it's the funniest thing every time we do it

Friday, November 7, 2008

Playing Around

There was someone singing on TV and it caught Allan's attention. He stopped what he was doing and started dancing. I tried to get my camera out in time to record it, but I wasn't fast enough. This is all I caught instead. he's not dancing, but I thought it was still cute.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Boys will be boys

Is this what I have to look forward to?
While I was staying with my sister we went to the bay house to watch it get torn down. I was watching Ryan for a while and we were walking around when all of a sudden he started undoing his pants. I asked him what he was doing and this is what he said:

"I need to pee on that dirt right there."

I was like well alright. So there he went. Dropped his pants and peed on the dirt. I guess when you're a boy the world can be your bathroom.

Happy Halloween

Aimee and family came and spent the night with us so we could take the kids trick-or-treating. Allan was a glow in the dark skeleton and Ryan was a Power Ranger. Allan could have cared less about trick-or-treating. He just liked going for a walk. Ryan definitely enjoyed himself that night. He would ring the people's doorbell about 10 times in a row. He wanted his candy. When we got home Ryan dumped out all his candy and started opening and eating. I lost count as to how many pieces he ate before he was told that was enough. Sugar highs are the best!

The Nackos Family

12 Month Check Up

Allan had his 12 month check up last week. Poor baby had to get 4 shots. One in each leg and one in each arm. I felt so bad for my little man. And I have to take him back in 30 days for another shot! When they're this young they have to get the flu shot in 2 doses. But on the bright side, Allan is now on the growth charts! He is in the 3rd percentile for his weight and he's in the 10th percentile for his height. I'm so proud of my little growing man!

Off to the Park

Allan and I went to stay a couple of days with Aimee last week. One of the days we decided to stop off at a park to get rid of some energy. Mainly Ryan's. It was really Allan's first time at a park. He couldn't climb on the set up they had, but he could definitely go in the swing. It was his first time on a "big boy" swing and boy did he like it. He kept shrilling with excitement.

Why This Blog Is Here

My photo
I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.