Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mother's Day

Mother's day came early for me! We got a new car -- Toyota 4Runner. It's so nice compared to our old cars. Allan and I love it. As you can see, Allan finds it very comfy...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sittin' Up

Allan sat up for his longest time so far this weekend. Mimi was there to see him! He sat up for a good 60 seconds before gravity got the best of him. Here he is sitting and in the last picture he was about to fall over. The pediatrician says he'll be sitting up within the next couple of weeks!!

By they way, we have a new pediatrician and we love her. She has a lot of things in common with me when it comes to breast feeding, which makes things a lot nicer. So far Allan is steadying gaining weight without the tube and doing great. He's eating like a PIG! Every time Kirk and I eat he has to have LOT of bites of what we're having. So far his food allergies are not bad so he gets to try tons of things!

He Loves Them!

Allan loves his Aunt Aimee and Cousin Ry!

Going to the Park

Aimee and Ryan came to stay with us for a couple of days last week. It was fun! We took the boys to the park. As usual, Allan slept through his first park visit. Ryan, on the other hand, had a blast! I can't wait until it gets warmer and we can take the boys to the SplashPad!

Allan loves his cousin Ryan. He can't take his eyes off of him!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Anything to Keep them Entertained...

What a yummy lemon...
... Good thing Dad cleaned this for me to chew on...
...Uh Oh! I dropped my lemon!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

He's Finally Tube Free!

Yesterday’s doctor visit was a good one. The tube got taken out…by me! Allan is now tube free and he loves it! As long as his weight stays increasing we won’t have to do the whole tube thing again. Good thing we have a baby scale at home now so that we can make sure he doesn’t loose an ounce. So far he’s doing well. Yesterday he weighed in at the doctor at 12 pounds 10 ounces. This morning on our scale, before he ate he weighed in at 12 pounds 13 ounces! He’s looking better and better every day! Kirk and I could not be any happier. Allan’s still trying to sleep through the night, but last night I set the alarm to wake him up every 3 hours to feed him since he’s not getting those nightly feedings. The first couple feedings he didn’t want anything to do with eating. He just wanted to sleep. But I made him eat anyways.

Promised Pictures...

...and a video.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dr. Visit

We leave in about an hour for our follow up with the specialist. Keep your fingers crossed that we get the OK to take out the tube. But if not, that's fine too. We'll do whatever needs to be done.
Allan has been doing really well this past week. He's growing a lot and trying his hardest to sit up on his own. Gravity still gets the better of him, but he's trying. I'll let you all know how the doctor visit goes and of course with new pictures!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Growin Up Fast

Allan is just ounces away from weighing 13 pounds. He was almost there this morning after a belly full of formula and breast milk. He’ll definitely be reaching the 13 pounder mark by this week! Another huge step for Allan this weekend? He’s got a bottom tooth coming through!! I’ve tried to get a picture of the little white nub, but the timing isn’t working. Now it looks like Allan is trying his hardest to sit up on his own. He has it for a second and then tumbles over. Hopefully soon he’ll be able to sit up on is own and then be able to play with all his toys!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

12 Pounds!!!

He’s such a big boy! Now, granted, when I weigh Allan in the mornings right after I feed him and turn off the formula he weighs a few ounces more than he does the rest of the day, but this is still a big step. I got so excited to see 12 pounds on the scale!! It won’t be long now before he’s caught up to all the other 5 month old babies!!


The Love of My Life!

So sweet.

Look at that BIG belly!
Eating carrots...
...and loving them!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Back in With the Tube!

So last Wednesday Allan pulled his tube out. I didn’t want to have to put the new one back in, so I called the doctor’s office to see if I could just try supplementing formula with breast milk in a bottle. 2 days of that and Allan lost a few ounces so Friday I sucked it up and put his NG tube back in myself. I do have to toot my own horn because I was not nervous or anything. I put that sucker in with no problems and Allan didn’t even cry. He just coughed a lot, but that’s expected when something is going down your throat. So since back on the feeding tube he’s gaining a ton of weight again. I asked the specialist Monday if that was going to be a problem we’ll face when we finally do decide it’s the right time to take the tube out. He said no and that he’s not worried. It just wasn’t the right time to take it out. The doctor wants the tube in for at least 2 more weeks. He wants Allan to be at his ideal weight before we take it out. Ideal weight is about 14 pounds or more. I bet he hits 12 pounds before the week is over. This morning he weighed in at 11 pounds 14 ounces!! We now have a baby scale at home to weigh him. I weigh him at all hours of the day now! Allan is also allowed to eat whatever I want to feed him, the specialist told me. The weekend he’ll get to try bananas. Last week was carrots and he loved those. Then, we move on to meats! Whatever helps to add some calories and weight on him.
(I need to upload some more pictures, so there are more to come soon…)

Why This Blog Is Here

My photo
I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.