Sunday, February 3, 2008

Finally A Blog For My Baby!

It’s taken me a while, but I’ve finally done it! I finally got my blog about Allan set up and ready to go. It’s only taken me 15 weeks today, but who's counting. A lot has already happened with Allan since he’s been born. He’s had 4 holidays – Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. (If you ask me, I think Halloween is going to be his favorite holiday…) Allan’s been smiling since Thanksgiving Day. Watching him smile is the best thing in the world. Kirk and I could sit all day and just watch him. He’s “talking” a lot more now and he has lots to say. One of the coolest things was watching him first learn to grab something. He hasn’t quite got it down yet, but he’s working on it. Cold water bottles are his favorite.

A couple of weeks ago Allan got baptized. For the most part he was really good during the service. At least he didn’t scream his head off when he got water poured on him.
Last week he went to the Zoo for the first time. He slept through most of it, but that’s OK because there will be more visits to the zoo that he’ll enjoy. One of the best milestones that have happened so far is Allan’s sleeping patterns. He goes down for the night between 9 and 10 o’clock at night and sleeps somewhere between 8 to 12 hours straight! Most of the time I have to wake him up in the mornings to feed him. A lot of mothers have told me that I’m one of the lucky few to have a child sleep through the night so early on. I am definitely enjoying the solid sleep I get. It seems like any day now he’ll be sitting up on his own. He’s getting too big too fast. I want him to stay my tiny baby longer!

Check back often. I’ll be updating Allan’s blog as much as I can and there will be tons of pictures to go along with it!


  1. This is great, we can see and read more and more about Allan and his smiles.

    Papa and Mimi

  2. We LOVE reading about and seeing Allan's pictures!!

    Mimi & Papa


Why This Blog Is Here

My photo
I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.