Friday, February 29, 2008

Allan's Blood Work

So yesterday Allan went back to the pediatrician to be weighed. Unfortunately he didn’t gain any weigh. Actually, he lost an ounce. So now my little guy is weighing in at 9 pounds 10 ounces. So the doctor said he needed to have blood work done immediately. He classified my son as a “failure to thrive” case. Sounds like a real nice diagnosis to tell a mother, right? So the nurse put a bag around Allan’s peepee to get a pee sample and we went on our way to Cy Fair hospital. The nice thing was that my doctor put a stat order on us so people moved us in and out fairly quick. The lady who was taking his blood said he was too old to have his heel pricked and that they were going to have to draw blood from his arm. The first lady stuck him with a needle and tried to get blood, but come to find out it wasn’t coming out quick enough because she didn’t get the vein right. So another lady comes in and does it all over again. At least she gets it this time. But all awhile Allan is crying. I felt so bad for my little man. I just wanted to take him home and hold him and get him away from all those doctors and nurses. So when we finally left the hospital we had to stop back at the pediatrician so that they could get his pee sample. They did that and ran the test. The nurse came back telling me that every thing was perfect. That was good news and also ruled out and problems with his liver. So she sent me home and told me she would call once they had the blood work results. Just a couple of hours after I got home the nurse called. She told me the blood work all came back normal. She said everything seems perfect about him, except for his weight. She told me the doctor was going to “think things over” and call me sometime today to discuss things. She said he may want to think about sending him to a specialist. So that’s where we stand now. They can’t say anything is wrong with him besides the fact that his metabolism being super fast. He eats like a pig, so who knows. Kirk and I think his weight will catch up to him soon. I’m just glad to hear that everything is perfect and healthy with him.

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I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.