Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving this year was spent with tons of family...just like it should be!
My family ran all over town to spend Thanksgiving with all of our families. First up was at Meema's house, just like the good old days when we were all little kids.
(above are several generations of Drosches)

My mom overseeing my dad carving her delicious turkey.
(and man can my mom cook one heck of a turkey, not to mention her awesome stuffing! ...and I'm not just saying that cause she's my mom...Allan even eats it! And that's the only turkey he's ever tried. Granted, he dips it in Ketchup, but so what.)
I love this picture of Allan because those stained glasses in the front of Meema and Peepa's house is one of the many things I remember about their house as a kid growing up. I love that my cousin, Kristen captured Allan next to them.
Allan's cousins, "The Couvillion kids" are such great kids. Allan loves hanging out with them every time we get together. Lately, him and Kyler have been great buds together. Kyler takes care of Allan, helps get Allan food, watches out to make sure Allan doesn't get into something he shouldn't name it. He's like the perfect babysitter!
See? Kyler has everything under control. He knew Allan didn't need to get too close to the street.
Both concentrating on something important?
Kyler's sister, Kennedy, is also a big help. These cousins love hanging out!

And of course we have to have cousin "Baby Ashtyn" walking. Once she learned to walk that was it. She has tons of things to explore now.
"Look Mom, NO hands!"

A little more play equals Ryan joining in on the fun!
Kyler helping Allan with the water hose...

Kyler's momma, Kimberly, has to join in on the fun.
Nothing like pushing the kids around on Meema's walker...

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I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.