Thursday, September 10, 2009

Labor Day Weekend 2009

Last Saturday my parents took Allan and his cousin Ryan to spend the day down at what is now our bay yard. Thanks Ike.
Mimi and Papa drove their trailer down there for a place to stay. Back in the day as kids we'd spend holidays like Labor Day down at the bay house. It was so much fun. All of us cousins would play in the water all day while the aunts and uncles hung out and BBQ'd. Things have changed since Ike took out the bay house.
Allan didn't seem to mind that there wasn't a house there anymore. He'll never remember seeing what was left of it.
Allan had a blast playing in the water with Ryan. It was his first time to play in the beach and feel the waves and sand. I'm told the tiny wave that hit his feet first sent him running away from the water as quick as he could go.

Looks like he got over the waves real quick.
I'm told he had to get used to the sand too. He wasn't too happy with it being on his shorts at first. Mimi had to show him how to get the sand off with the water and he was cool after that.
Allan likes to do anything that Ryan does.
First time for him to get salt water in his eye. He wasn't too cool with that. He kept telling Mimi "eye. eye. eye."

As I said before, Allan wants to do whatever it is that Ryan does. Allan's becoming more and more aware of the whole potty thing. We're working with him and trying to get him prepared for when the real training becomes. He likes watching and trying to go pee, but he can't always get anything out.
Once seeing Cool Ryan pee in the yard, well Allan needed to do that too.
Pee Pee might not have come out, but he sure was gonna try.
And I think he was a little proud of himself.
Leave it to Allan to find some sticks to play with.

Look close, he's there picking some sticks.
Ryan and Allan had a fun time out of the bay and playing under the sprinkler that Papa had made.
Ryan had a good time too.

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Why This Blog Is Here

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I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.