Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Weekend 2009

Sunday Allan and I drove down to the bay house, or as I like to call it - the bay yard (thanks Ike). This was really Allan's first time to play down there. He was too little last year to go swimming in the water, so he just swam in Mimi and Papa's pool. Allan has been to the bay house before, but he'll never remember it. All he'll know now is a large lot we have right on the water. (Thanks again, Ike.) But our family made the best out of it. Ike didn't get to put a damper on our Memorial weekend. We still got to hang out with family, eat yummy BBQ, and the kids got to wear off some energy in the bay.

Thanks to Uncle Dorian, Allan got to play in a little pool instead of going in the water with the bigger kids. He thought he was big stuff playing in the water with some of Mimi's plastic dishes.

Ryan came to join Allan in the pool with a big splash. Ryan jumped right on in. Allan watched with amazement. Allan's been trying his hardest to jump, but he just can't seem to get his feet off the ground yet. Allan and Ryan had fun in the pool.

You'd be surprised at how entertaining a bottle of sun block can be to a 19 month old.

Then the rain starting coming. Luckily Mimi and Papa had their trailer parked at the bay yard. We ran in and took for cover. Allan's cousin Kennedy took charge in watching Allan. She followed him all over the trailer. She'd pick him up, put him down where she thought he needed to be and she'd carry him from one spot to the next. Allan didn't seem to mind one bit.

Papa taught Allan how to climb and stand on the table.
Thanks Papa.

The rain finally stopped, so back outside we went.

Allan is telling something to Kennedy that is very important.

Cousin Ryan drying off.

Leave it to the boy to find a beer can...

...or two.

His daddy must be proud.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

19 Months Today!!

My baby is getting too big too fast. He's 19 months today and becoming more and more a little boy. He's got the greatest little personality.
He's my most favorite!

I Fought The Ladder...

...and the ladder won.
We were at the gym yesterday when I got paged to come to the daycare center. Allan was climbing up the ladder and must have lost his balanced and fell and bumped his lip. It was bleeding a little, but he didn't cry one bit. He saw a basket ball and was distracted. The lip was forgotten. It was swollen bad this morning, but you never heard Allan complain.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Then There Were Two

Allan and Jayden give each other hugs if you ask them.
(Sometimes they look like they are about to choke each other.)

(A couple of weeks ago Eric, one of Allan's buddies, left us. His mommy finished her semester and his daddy was coming home from Iraq so they were moving. We miss little Eric. He was a good buddy to Allan. The bed where Eric took his nap is still up and every day before nap time, as I'm carrying Allan off to his room, he waves "nite nite" to Eric's bed. It's really cute.)

What if Allan Doesn't Get His Way....

Last Saturday Kirk was hanging fans in Allan's room and the computer room. We had to put up a baby gate to block Allan from going into the room and messing with things on the floor that no toddler should mess with. Allan was not cool with that one bit. He was not happy with us and wanting to do nothing but go into the room. Not even SpongeBob SquarePants could distract him-and that's a rare thing.

Bring on the waterworks...
I ended up buying the same shirt for Kirk and Allan (at different times) and got Allan dressed in the morning before Kirk was up. Once Kirk got up and dressed he came up upstairs matching Allan perfect. Oops. But I thought it was cute. (Kirk said he was going to change.)


Allan has now grasped the concept of the word no. Right now I think it's really cute, but I told Kirk I probably won't be saying that a few months from now.
(note the glare he gives me at the end. I think he was serious about not wanting to go to bed.)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Food Allergy?

So I noticed Monday when I woke Allan up from his nap that he had these pink/red spots all over himself. As the day went on and come Tuesday they got worse. Worse enough for me to get an appointment with his doctor as soon as possible. I had Kirk take him in yesterday. His pediatrician say that they are definitely the cause of a food allergy. He also has an ear infection. Kirk was told that sometimes a kid can get a cold that can lead to an ear infection and somehow that triggers a food allergy that's been kind of dormant. Maybe that's what has happened. Now we pretty much have to start from square one with foods. We can gradually start introducing a new food every three days or so and watch how his body reacts to it. I can tell you right now that he's not going to be liking this at all. When lunch time came this afternoon and Allan got something different than the other kids, he was not too happy and he let me know. Hopefully we can figure this out soon.

Here's what Allan's belly looked like yesterday. His legs, arms, back and even face had these spots all over the place. Today, there are just a few in different places.
Luckily for him, he has not been in any pain. They don't hurt him and they don't itch him. He's still just as hyper and active as always.

On the other hand, Kirk got some good news from the nurse. Apparently, she walked in and noticed Allan all over the room and "talking" and pointing to things. He was even engaging in some serious conversation with the nurse. She asked Kirk if that was how Allan always act. If he always had that much energy and talking like he really knew what he was saying and whatever it was must have been really important. Kirk told her that's how Allan always it. She told Kirk that Allan was on the verge of speaking really soon. Kirk let her know that he already says tons of words, but she told him she meant that he was going to be speaking in real sentences soon. She said that just by watching the way Allan communicating with people shows her that he is going to be a very smart child. She said Allan was way ahead of his age.

That's our boy...the genius.

Why This Blog Is Here

My photo
I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.