Tuesday, April 21, 2009

18 Months Today

My baby is growing way too fast. He's 18 months old today! It's not supposed to go by this fast. Time needs to slow down...just a little bit, please.
This is how I found him when it was time to wake up from nap.
Sleeping beauty.

Rainbow Bright

Kirk brought home the coolest roses I've ever seen this weekend. Normally red roses are my favorite, but these are really pretty too. They're called "Rainbow Roses." I know how you can dye a flower and change the petals a different color, but each petal a different color is beyond me.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Allan has been trying his best to put on his clothes these days...

He just gets a little confused as to what goes where.

Thanks What-A-Burger

Allan has upgraded from eating part of our meal, to getting his own kid's meal. This one had a lovely little squishy ball as the prize. Allan was definitely interested in this one...
This one he could chew on!

Baby Ashtyn

Last week Aimee and Baby Ashtyn came to spend the night. Allan was interested in that tiny person. He kept "petting" her head and poking at her.

Ashtyn's teething, so we thought a little wine would help.

Easter Lilly

Anyone who knows me, knows that I have nowhere near a "green thumb." I can't keep plants alive and I hate pulling weeds and doing any form of yard work. That being said, I am very proud of my Easter Lillies. I fell in love with the flower when I saw it at my mom's house (she has the "green thumb"). So we dug them up and I took them home and planted them in my yard at our old house. When we moved, I didn't want to leave them, so I chanced it and dug them up again and replanted them at our new house. I lucked out and they stayed alive. Then back in October I redid my flowerbeds and dug them up again. I didn't have a spot for them at the time, so I just stuck them in a flowerpot, hoping they'd stay alive. To my surprise they did and actually bloomed around Easter. I'm proud of the one plant I've had for 5 years and haven't managed to kill.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Easter Bunny

Allan got to sit with the Easter Bunny this year. I made sure we weren't going to miss out this time. I have to say that the bunny experience was not as bad as it was with Santa. He didn't like it when I set him on the bunny's lap, but there were no full out screaming and yelling. (Maybe it helped that I bribed him with a chocolate chip cookie) When I went to take Allan from the bunny I told Allan to tell the Easter bunny bye. Allan looked at the bunny and waved bye and said bye-bye real quick and then quickly looked away. He didn't want anything to do with that bunny. Next to the Easter Bunny was the pet shop. We always go look in there for a few minutes because Allan gets a kick out of all the dogs, cats, birds and rabbits. Now for Easter they have colored baby ducks and chicks. Allan was surely impressed by those little creatures. I only wished he was able to pet them. Maybe next year when he's a little bigger.


Allan and Eric were having a blast playing on the beanbag this morning. Eric sat on Allan and they both thought that was the funniest thing. Their giggles were too cute.

Little Man

Me: Boys, look over here!
(They ignore me.)
Eric was telling something to Allan. I'm sure whatever it was, it was very important.

This would be Allan's "SpongeBob" face. He loves him some SpongeBob SquarePants.

Again, trying to take my camera.

Too cool to look at his mommy.
Finally a quick glance.


Every time I try and take a picture of Allan he thinks it's funny to try and yank the camera string away from me.
Makes me have to be quick taking pictures.

Allan loves sitting on the couch with his daddy.

And then there are times when he's not too happy....for whatever reason...


Here's Allan and Eric just seconds from waking up from nap time. Not quite awake.
And not ready for poses.

Typical Night Time

This is just another night in the Hamilton house before bedtime.

He's not asleep. He's teasing me and won't give me back my blanket.

Why This Blog Is Here

My photo
I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.