Thursday, September 25, 2008

11 Months Old

Allan turned 11 months old on September 21st. I can't believe my little man is about to turn one years old! It seems like he's growing even faster now. He can wave "Bye-Bye" and he can do "Patty Cake." He's gotten to where he will start clapping just from me singing the song or clapping by myself. Kirk and I are so proud of him! Now I am trying to work with him on learning "High Five." He hasn't really gotten that one yet. He can now drink out of a sippy cup and loves it! He gets excited when he hears the words "you want some juice." I'm hoping that since he loves his sippy cup so much that it will make weaning him from the breast easier. We're starting that once he turns one. Walking seems like it is just a matter of days now. He's walking along anything he can hold onto. He's gotten to be Mr. Independent too. He likes to feed himself. When he wants to, he'll take food from a spoon or fork. If it is in chucks, you better let him hold it and put it in his mouth himself. Allan also has his 5th tooth coming in. It's already broken the skin!

Friday, September 19, 2008

"Calm Before the Storm"

Calm? Yeah right. We had my sister's family at the house and some friends came over with their little boy the night before Hurricane Ike was supposed to hit town. The kids played in the game room and made a huge mess. Dane and Ryan played cars, while Allan watched or did his own thing. The kids were good. They didn't know a huge storm was coming their way and they could have cared less.

Ashtyn Elizabeth Nackos

Meet Allan's second cousin, Baby Ashtyn. Born September 16th at 12:32. She was 6 pounds 12 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long. Full head of brown hair like her mommy was born with. She's the cutest little baby girl! Thankfully she waited to make her appearance after Hurricane Ike made his.

Hurricane Ike

Well, we survived the storm. Allan slept through the whole thing. We lucked out big time and walked away with no damage done to our house. Kirk and I were very lucky. We lost power for about 5 days. Thankfully, Kirk's parents got their power back on the next day and we got to "move in" with them. Aimee and family went to Columbus to stay at her sister-in-law's house. No power is not a very comfortable situation for a 9 month pregnant woman. Aimee lucked out and only had fence damage to her house down in Kemah. My parents on the other hand, not so lucky. Unfortunately, they lost the entire roof to their barn, which caused water damage to a lot of things in there. One major thing being their new car. It came out with a broken rear windshield and lots of water inside. They still have no power, but at least they now have running water. Keep your fingers crossed that they get power back soon.
Ike was a bad storm. Houston/Galveston was due for a big Hurricane. My heart goes out to those that have lost their homes. Lets hope we are done with hurricanes this season.

Bath Time!

My sister, Aimee, and her family came to stay with us for Hurricane Ike. So Allan got to enjoy some play time with his cousin Ryan. What better way to play than to play in the tub!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Teething and Sippy Cups

Allan's two front teeth are almost completely in now. He's been such a trooper when it comes to teething. He barely fusses!

I'm trying to teach him to use a sippy cup, but he doesn't have it down just yet. he holds it fine, but instead of sucking he chew it. Hopefully he'll have it down by the time he turns one (which isn't far away).

Why This Blog Is Here

My photo
I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.