Tuesday, August 26, 2008

10 Months

I'm a little behind on posting, but my baby boy has turned 10 months old already. It was last Thursday to be exact. He has started to crawl on all fours, but he can get around a lot faster on his belly, so he chooses to do it that way instead. He's pulling himself up on everything. He'd rather do
that than play with all his toys.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Allan Richard Hamilton

Allan has officially taken over the game room. It's now his toy room and he makes sure to leave his toys all over the place. He has free roam to crawl all over the place. Now one of his favorite thing to do is to pull up on something and stand and look around. He can pull himself up on the couch and walk from one end to the other while holding on. If I'm on the couch, he tries to climb up it, but he's just too little and not quite strong enough to do that yet.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

From Crawling to Sitting Up

We went to the doctor last week for Allan's 9 month check up. She asked me all the questions about whether or not Allan was doing certain things. Things like pulling himself up on thing, feeding himself, grabbing something and then putting it in the other hand. Most of those things he could do, except for go from crawling to sitting up all on his own and pulling himself up to a standing position. Low and behold, the very next day he could do both of those things! Here he is crawling and then sitting up. Now he constantly does both of those things. He's definitely on the move now!


We went to Rockport for a few days with past week. Allan had a lot of fun. We stayed at a nice house on the canal. Allan got to go on his first boat ride! He liked looking at the ducks and birds. he was too young to go fishing with Mommy and Daddy, so he stayed at the house and played with G.G. He surprised the two of us and was really good on the car ride to and from. He slept a lot of the way and played with me the rest of the way. Not too much fussing went on, but we did make some stops each way so that he could get out of the car and we could grab a bite to eat. The three of us definitely had a good time!

The house had this giant bean bag that Allan just fell in love with. He's learning to pull himself up on things and this was like a huge mountain for him. He'd crawl to it and pull himself up and then once we would put him on it (or toss him on it) he'd have a blast crawling and rolling all over it. Looks like Mommy and Daddy might have to get on of these things for the game room.

George Strait has a HUGE house in Rockport. He must have been there because his boat, Day Money, was there. Apparently, he usually keeps it in Jamaica. The boat and the house were really pretty. So naturally, Daddy had to take plenty of pictures of it. Allan and I got our picture taken with the nice boat in the background. Allan was impressed.

Allan on the boat with G.G.

More fun on the boat!

The house had a basket full of magazines. Allan entertained himself with that basket. Hopefully the next guests to stay at that house don't mind reading some magazines that are a little chewed up and wrinkled.
After a long day of fun on the boat, playing with G.G. and PopPop, Allan was all worn out. All he wanted to do was sleep, but not in his pack-in-play, he wanted to sleep in mommy's arms.

Why This Blog Is Here

My photo
I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt and friend to many wonderful people. I have a spunky little 3 year old boy and we are currently expecting our second pride of joy at the end of August/early September. My blog is here for those interested in seeing pictures from our Hamilton adventures.